
Distinguished Colleagues,

We are honored to invite you to the 37th April Course of the Turkish Ophthalmological Association (TOA) to be organized by the Ankara Regional Branch of TOA. This course, which is the second most attended meeting of TOA behind the National Congress of TOA, covers all fundamental topics in opthalmology in every aspect. The topic of this year's 'April Course' is STRABISMUS and the course will take place on April 7-9, 2017 at Ankara ATO International Congress and Exhibition Center in the memory of Fatma Kaya Önen, MD., who passed away at a very young age.

During the course, all conventional and current knowledge and approaches in diagnosis and treatment on 'STRABISMUS' will be presented to you by our experienced colleagues. We hope that our scientifically rich program will serve as a meaningful contribution for all of our colleagues in their future careers.

On the first day of our course, we will visit Anıtkabir and pay respect to Atatürk, like we did last year.

The topic of our first 'Resident Assesment Test', which is considered to be turned into an annual event and will take place on the final day of the course, will be 'Strabismus' and the top 3 ranking persons will be awarded. 

I would like to extent my heartfelt thanks to my dear colleagues in the Administrative Board of TOA Ankara Regional Branch for their tremendous efforts in organizing the course and preparing the scientific program, to all scientists, who have honored us by accepting our invitation, and to all sponsoring companies for making this excellent organization happen.

I would like to invite all of my colleagues to Ankara on April 7-9, 2017 and convey my regards and best wishes.

Prof. Gürsel Yılmaz, M.D.
Chair, TOA Ankara Regional Branch
On Behalf Of the Administrative Board of TOA, Ankara Regional Branch