TOA Virtual 5th Live Surgery Symposium

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 30, 2021

In order to present an abstract in the symposium, the presenting author should finalize his/her registration to the symposium.

Submission Rules for Abstracts
If the abstract-owner doctor is a Turkish citizen ophthalmologist, they are required to be a member of TOA and not to have due membership fees of that year or preceding years.
(For those connected to other science disciplines and foreign doctors – even if they are ophthalmologists – do not need to be a member of TOA.)

Abstracts will only be submitted via the official website.

As the first name, a person can send a study abstract including max. “1 oral and 1 poster” or “2 posters.” The applications against this will be rejected automatically by the abstract submission site. Single chronicle case reports will only be sent as posters.

The posters will be presented as e-poster and prepared via online system. Additionally, it does not need to be prepared in a Microsoft – Powerpoint etc. program.

To Send Abstracts via Website
Abstracts will be submitted via the link ( on the symposium’s website. Applications via e-mail, written form, fax, disk and other methods will not be accepted.

Only the corresponding authors can submit the abstract. In order to submit an abstract, the abstract-owners should know their TOA identity number and web passwords.

Our members can reach these information by filling up the related form in the Member Data Bank or directly applying to the with an e-mail.

For the abstract-owners who are not TOA members, the same rules apply. These submitters will be provided a temporary Identity No. and Password that will be valid only during the symposium. For this, they need to fill up the membership form in the website of the symposium ( Those who undertake to fill up the form on behalf of others are required to learn TOA ID. No and Web Passwords of these members.

The rules of filling up the entry form for paper abstract are given in the related website in detail. In order not to encounter any setbacks, read these rules carefully and especially pay attention to the rules below:

  • Fill in the name and surnames of the authors according to their place in the study.
  • Make the subject classification carefully.
  • Fill it in accordance with the structure of the abstract. Abstract texts must consist of chapters including “Purpose,” “Materials and Methods,” “Results” and “Discussion.”
  • Abstract texts must be written in a formal, clear and comprehensible style. There should not be expression or spelling mistakes.
  • After each abstract submission or modification processes, access your abstract again in the preview section and control whether it is included in the database the way you want it.
  • After the abstract submission, save the confirmation messages which will be sent to your e-mail address.

Evaluation of the Abstracts
The authors submit their on-line abstracts for the related symposium or course via web information system published in TOD-Net.

  1. The deadline of the abstract submission is determined by the related scientific committee. It is obligatory to be at least 45 days before the date of commencement for the symposium.
  2. The number of oral abstracts to be presented in the symposium and courses are approximately 20 presentations for 120 min. in two groups, each of which are given 60 minutes. In accordance with the program content, this duration and the number of presentations can be arranged by the scientific committee.
  3. The authors can present their papers verbally or as posters in the subject titles which are determined. They state these preferences when they send on-line abstract.
  4. After study is submitted to the system and sent to the abstract scientific council by the author, the abstract is gathered by the chief referee until the latest submission deadline. When the latest submission deadline is due, the chief referee sends the abstracts to the evaluation committee according to their subjects.
  5. Evaluation committee is constituted by the chair, secretary and education representative of the society for oral presentations and by chair, secretary and treasurer of the branch or scientific committee that organizes the symposium or the course, for poster presentations.
  6. Evaluation committee complete their assessments in 5 days.
  7. All the evaluation committee grades oral studies out of 100 points independently from each other. Average score of the three-board member is the final score of the study.
  8. In oral presentations, 70 points and above is accepted.
  9. If the study submitted by oral presentation preference takes between 40-69 points, then the chief referee turns the study into a poster and reports this result to the author. The author can present their study as poster or withdraw it for the update.
  10. If it gets a score approximately below 40 in oral presentation preferred submissions, it is rejected.
  11. As for posters, evaluation committee makes the evaluation as “accept / refuse.”
  12. All the posters are prepared in the electronic format.
  13. If the oral presentations that have been accepted are more than the time or the number of abstracts allocated for the scientific program, they are arranged in accordance with their date of submission by the chief referee and placed on the program.
  14. The studies which are accepted but cannot be placed into the program because of the program schedule are included in the waiting list without a new evaluation process and can be presented in the scheduled scientific symposium and courses in accordance with the new request of the authors.
  15. In order to give an oral or poster presentation, the corresponding author is obliged to get registered to the symposium. Unless he/she is registered, the presentation is cancelled and excluded from the program. Instead, a substitute study is replaced in the program.
  16. It is obligatory that the study should be presented by the first or the second author.
  17. The authors reserve the right to withdraw their oral or poster abstracts that are accepted to be presented at the meeting. For this, the author gives his/her excuse to the meeting organizing committee within 15 days after his/her presentation acceptance letter is conveyed. If his/her excuse is accepted, the planning of his/her study belongs to the author. Requests for change that will be sent after the time runs out will not be accepted as it will lead to challenges in the program.
  18. For the authors who receive an acceptance letter for the submitted presentation and do not register to the meeting or make the presentation, a penalty TOA bylaws are taken into action.