
NOTE: Completion of payment means your PRE-REGISTRATION is done. If your REGISTRATION is not confirmed, your payment will be reimbursed to your bank account in 7 work days.

Registrars who are accepted for the final registration list but do not attend the course will be banned for one year from TOA STC-STL programmes.

In order to receive your attendance certificate, you have to attend the entire course and fill in the Feedback Survey.

If attendees fill in the Feedback Survey at the end of the programme, their certificate will be sent by e-mail.

Registration Details
Number of Trainees 35 persons
Course Level Intermediate
Target Audience 1st & 2nd Year Residents,
3rd Year Residents,
4th Year Residents,

Registration Type Registration Fee
Member Resident 300 TL
Member Specialist 500 TL

* Prices include VAT.