Komitan Ezotropyalar ve Tedavileri Comitant esotropias and its teratment 09:00 - 14:00 Beceri Aktarım Kursu / Skills Transfer Course |
Kurs Hakkında Bilgilendirme / Information About The Course | ||
Moderatör / Moderator: Dr. Aysel Pelit | ||
09:00 - 09:05 | Açılış / Opening Dr. Aysel Pelit |
09:05 - 09:25 | İnfantil ezotropyada etiyoloji ve muayene Etiology and examination in infantile esotropia |
Dr. Nazife Sefi Yurdakul |
09:25 - 09:45 | Akomodatif ve kısmi akomodatif ezotropyada etiyoloji ve muayene Etiology and examination of accommodative and partial accommodative esotropia |
Dr.Aylin Yaman |
09:45 - 10:05 | Akkiz akomodatif olmayan ezotropyada etiyoloji ve muayene Etiology and examination in patients with non-accommodative esotropia |
Dr. Feray Koç |
10:05 - 10:25 | Soru-Cevap / Question and answer | |
10:25 - 11:00 | Break / Ara | |
11.00 - 13.30 | İnteraktif Gruplar (3 oda, 50 dk dönüşümlü) / Interactive Group ( 3 rooms, 50 minutes alternating) | |
Oda 1: Olgularla infantil ezotropya Room 1: Infantile esotropia with cases |
Dr. Nazife Sefi Yurdakul | |
Oda 2: Olgularla akomodatif ve kısmi akomodatif ezotropya Room 2: Accommodative and partial accommodative esotropia with cases |
Dr. Aylin Yaman | |
Oda 3: Olgularla ¬akkiz akomodatif olmayan ezotropya Room 3: Non-accommodative esotropia with cases |
Dr. Feray Koç | |
13.30 - 14.00 | Kapanış / Closing |