Registration & Accommodation

Registration Information

REGISTRATION TYPE Before 5 May 2024 After 5 May 2024
TOA Specialist Member 5.000 TL 6.500 TL
TOA Specialist Non-Member 20.000 TL 26.000 TL
TOA Assistant Member 3.000 TL 4.000 TL
TOA Assistant Non-Member 12.000 TL 16.000 TL
Nurse 3.000 TL 4.000 TL
Company Representative 5.000 TL 6.500 TL

You may reach us from for your registration and accommodation requests.

  • VAT is not included in the registration fees. VAT rate is 20%.
  • TOA, reserves the right to reflect any changes in the amounts of possible taxes, duties and taxes on the prices.

Accommodation Information

ACCOMMODATION Before 5 May 2024 After 5 May 2024
BİLKENT HOTEL Single Room Double Room Per Person Single Room Double Room Per Person
One Night 9.500 TL 12.000 TL 12.000 TL 15.000 TL
Two Nights 18.000 TL 23.000 TL 23.000 TL 28.000 TL
Three Nights 25.500 TL 32.000 TL 32.000 TL 40.000 TL
Four Nights 32.000 TL 40.000 TL 40.000 TL 50.000 TL

You may reach us from for your registration and accommodation requests.

  • VAT is not includedvin accommodation fees. VAT rate 10%.
  • Accommodation fees are the package price for 4 nights and include 5 June 2024 check-in and 9 June 2024 departure.
  • Bilkent Hotel is Bed & Breakfast.
  • TOA, reserves the right to reflect any changes in the amounts of possible taxes, duties and taxes on the prices.

Euro Account

Account Name Türk Oftalmoloji Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi
Bank Name Halk Bankası
Branch Name & Code Ataköy 5.Kısım / İstanbul Şube 825
Account No 58000028
IBAN No TR87 0001 2009 8250 0058 0000 28